Stay informed on all topics related to professional security services and weapons handling and Illinois
The Importance of Baton, Handcuff and OC Spray Training for Security Professionals
Security Training Center of Chicago offers a 4-hour handcuffing, baton & OC/pepper spray class. Why is it important for security and...
What is a Gambling Surveillance Officer?
If you’ve ever been to a casino, you know that gamblers are being watched to make sure they’re not trying to cheat the system or stealing...
Don’t Overlook Training When Trying to Become a Security Guard
What does it take to become a reliable security guard? Training is paramount– a good guard has received ample and thorough training....
Should Security Guards Work for Multiple Places?
From the standpoint of a guard, it might make sense to be employed by more than one company for various reasons. Maybe it’s for “extra...
When Should a Security Guard Use Handcuffs?
Are handcuffs a police officer thing, or do security guards use them, too? When is it okay for a security guard to handcuff a person?...
How to Crush Your Security Guard Interview
The Security Training Center of Chicago has helped many security guards learn all about different aspects of security so that they can be...
What is Work Like as a Security Guard?
What can you expect when working as a security guard? If you work with the public, in-person, you’ll likely either work at a door, desk or...
As Cases Rise, Here’s How Security Professionals Can Protect Against COVID-19
With COVID cases rising nationwide, what can security professionals do to protect themselves? There are several ways to stay safe… First,...
What Should Security Guards Carry On Their Person?
What should security guards carry on their person? To be best prepared for anything that could happen, there are some essentials....
How Do I Become a Security Guard in Chicago?
Are you looking for a new career path where you can help people and businesses feel safe? Have you considered becoming a security guard in...
What Kind of Background Checks Can Guards Expect From Security Companies?
Are you thinking of applying to work at/for a security company? What kind of background checks can guards expect? Well, checks depend on...
Keep These Things in Mind When Choosing a Firearms Instructor
If you’re going to own and use firearms, then you should have some sort of training; What are some tips for choosing a firearms...